Impromptu Stories

The Impromptu section of Sea of Book is a challenge where the author has one hour to write a story based off of three random words. They get no time beforehand to prep and must make a (greater than) 500 word story that somehow incorporates the idea of each word.

Estimate Under City

“Citizens of Estimate Under, I ask for a moment of your day. Please heed my words, for there is a great trouble approaching.” Vious Obli stood behind the podium with a certain defiance she held throughout her career as leader of the great city. “I need every citizen to cooperate without question, there is not enough time explain the situation in detail.” Her voice boomed throughout every street corner leaving everyone silent. That is, almost everyone. Treme Ex quickly typed on his keyboard communicating with his coworkers while Vious Obli looked over his shoulder within the television broadcast glowing behind him.


Rolling into the parking lot was, under normal circumstances, an absurdly yellow van. Fortunately for Sebastian and Ferdinand, the parking lot of this bar, “Drunk Till Daylight,” was filled with rainbow and bright colored vehicles making it almost not absurd enough.

To Jump Over The Moon

In the quaint little town of Hopeless lived Spot and Maisey, two cows destined to be friends for life. With green pastures and greater dreams, these two cows spent most of their time wandering the fields hoping for a little excitement. Unfortunately, their farmer named Cal had moved to the town of Hopeless years ago after an accident occurred causing all the neighboring farmers to revolt. Apparently leaving a cow sized hole in the side of a neighbors house was not an acceptable way to handle ones farm. Needless to say, Spot and Maisey have no neighbors now and therefore no fun.

Ongoing Pieces

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