Dead by Daylight - The Trapper

Written on July 25, 2020 by Gale Striker

Category: Fan Fiction

Flashlight clicks could be heard from the cornfield followed by a voice. “Wait! Don’t give up! I’m sure you’ll get me you baby Trapper.” Corn ruffled around as Nea chased the killer around the arena. The view from the hill was definitely the best. It made sense why The Trapper would sit up here searching for survivors. Oh how the tables had turned.

For the next five minutes Nea circled the Trapper in what she liked to call a “jungle gym”. It was the ideal place to run from a killer. The poorly built wooden walls provided protection from being hit while also coincidentally giving tiny holes between each board to see where the killer was on the other side. The windows conveniently built into these walls were also very easy to vault providing for a quick escape. The killer, on the other hand, would take forever to shove one leg through the window followed by the other leg. For The Trapper, we also had the advantage of seeing his red stain. For some odd reason his face emanated a red light that very conveniently told us where the killer was walking.

By the time I got up to work on a generator the killer was walking away from Nea who was persistently annoying him with her flashlight. It appeared he had enough as he maddeningly swung his blade at nothing.

Conveniently for me, there was a generator sitting right next to the hill I was watching the encounter from. I started working satisfied with the little show Nea had given. Finally, the survivors had a chance to even annoy the killer. There was no heartbeat to be found making very easy to focus on every movement. Push one piece back into the generator, shift some of the internals around, and repeat. The process was quite soothing when you didn’t have to worry about being stabbed in the back.

Minutes later I was so lost in thought that I barely noticed Nea’s footsteps as she ran around the hill. When she finally tapped me on the shoulder I freaked out almost causing the generator to blow up. “Don’t do that!” I yelled at Nea. “You almost gave me a heart attack! Let me work in peace.” I started working on the generator that was almost shaking to life. Another couple of seconds and this thing would be set.

“Wow, a survivor that actually does generators. How do you do it?” Nea circled around me watching my every move. While I appreciated her ability to annoy the living hell out of the killer, I wasn’t a fan of her doing the same thing to me. “I guess I’ll give you a hand. I definitely don’t do this very often.”

How did she not repair generators? I looked over around the generator at the other side she was repairing. Nea was already crouched down and focusing. Her face was screwed up as she decided what to fix first. “Alright, as long as you help quietly…” I murmured to myself. As long as she stayed quiet and helped I wouldn’t protest.

Right before the generator felt like it was ready to power on a giant electrical charge burst from the body of the generator forcing me back onto the ground. “Nea! What was that?” The poor machine looked like it had lost a full minute of repairs as Nea set off another electrical charge.

“Crap! I’m just going to leave. Told you I wasn’t built for this.” As she stood up the heartbeat of the killer slowly grew louder. He was already on his way to find us

“Nea, how? Why? I was so close!” We both started running towards the jungle gym as the killer rounded the corner of the hill and started following me. “NEA! Why???” I screamed as I vaulted a window and watched the killer approach the wall.

“Wait! I’m sorry! Killer, take me!” Nea pulled out her flashlight next to the killer and started clicking it to get his attention. The killer looked at her and walked backwards towards me. “Aw come on baby Trapper. No need to get mad.”

It was quite obvious the killer had enough. Rather than wait for the red stain of the killer to appear around the corner I ran along the outside wall of the jungle gym. My body hugged the wall as I took a quick turn around the corner only to feel a giant bolt of pain shoot up from my leg. I couldn’t move. Looking down I saw a giant bloody mess where my leg was supposed to be. It was a bear trap. Yet again, I had failed to run away.

“It’s alright cutie. I’ll get you out.” Nea’s voice came from the opposite side of the wall. She vaulted a window and stood next to me to try to get me out, only to hear another metal clang. She too was stuck, her leg bloodied by an identical looking bear trap. “Holy hell that hurts! Who leaves two armed bear traps next to each other? I mean seriously?” More insults sprung from her mouth as the killer rounded the corner. I desperately pulled at the traps teeth trying to get enough space to slip out my leg, but nothing happened. Its grip was too strong. Nea was attempting to do the same thing with no success.

Suddenly, a blade ripped through Nea’s back as she landed on the ground. The Trapper wiped off his blade and picked her up. It was the meat hook for her. As the killer searched for a hook to put her on I tried one last time to get the bear trap off of me. Sure enough, the metal teeth started to give just enough to slip out my leg. Not waiting to hear Nea’s screams as she was put on the hook, I bolted towards the corn field lying in the middle of the arena. It was hard to track anyone with so much cover.

A few minutes later of wondering around, I was able to find the survivor who looked like a medic. Limping to her with my bloody leg, she just put her hand on her hips and said “really?” As if it wasn’t embarrassing enough, as she mended my leg she had a tendency to keep make remarks about how careless I was. She was giving off a lot of the doting mom vibes that I was not here for. Once she was finished applying the bandages I felt recharged by the comfort and fueled by embarrassment. “You stay here while I go get the other idiot.” She pointed at Nea’s yellow aura emanating through the corn. “Be safe, alright Cheryl?”

I watched her run towards Nea without bothering to be stealthy. How did she know my name? Maybe she asked Jake? The more survivors I met, the weirder they got. Everyone seemed to be treating this whole situation like it was normal. I dared not ask how long it took for these survivors to feel like this was a normal situation.

A generator ringed off the in the distance indicating it was complete. Although I had lost count of how many generators we had completed, I had the innate, inexplicable sense that one more was just enough to get the exit gates powered on. Rather than looking for a generator that was untouched, I wondered back to the hill that had started this whole mess. By the time I got back to my generator it was almost completely dead. It looked like the killer had smashed it as sparks were flying everywhere. I went back up to the machine and started fixing what had been broken so many times before. Nea’s aura still glowed in the distance. It was odd for a survivor to be on the hook for that long.

Another couple of minutes passed as I saw Nea struggling to fight the Entity’s claws. It looked like she didn’t have much time left. Luckily, the generator was almost fixed. Footsteps rounded the corner of the hill again as Jake appeared and started working on the generator as well. “Looks like we’re all going to need to help Nea really soon.” His sleeve wiped off some sweat from his forehead as he continued talking. “Let’s get this fixed and get everyone out of here.” His face was so focused.

Before I knew what happened, a loud ringing went off forcing me back. The generator was done and the ground around me was lit up from the lights attached to the generator. The siren sounded off in the background as the white aura of the exit gates were revealed to us. The two gates were located on opposite sides of the arena.

“Come on! What are you doing sitting down there? Go open a gate!” Jake seemed more stressed than usual. He motioned for me to follow him as he ran towards Nea. When we got to the clearing where she was hanging, I could see why he was so nervous. The killer was staring at Nea as she tried to push the claws of the Entity away. It looked like she was really close to giving up. Jake pushed me towards the exit gate which was in plain site of the killer. Nervously I walked over and started opening the door by pushing down a lever. The Trapper briefly glance as me, and then went back to staring at Nea. Apparently even the killer could have a vendetta against a survivor. Something about the situation told me this hate ran deeper than even I knew.

The exit gate beeped once signaling it was getting close to being done. Jake started walking towards the killer who seemed determined to not move from his spot. He wanted Nea to die. The mom-like medic survivor appeared on the other side of the killer, also slowly approaching. Instinctively, the killer swung at the mom-like medic warning her to not get any closer. Jake ran up to Nea ready to take her off. The Trapper dug his sword into Jake’s back as he helped Nea off the hook. The killer wiped the blood off his blade and started following Nea.

“Claudia, cover me,” Nea shouted back. The mom-like medic (assumedly Claudia) cut over in between Nea and the killer. The Trapper’s blade cut into her back as well. Again, the Trapper slowed down to wipe the blood off his blade. It was odd how much he cared to make sure his blade was clean.

All three wounded survivors bolted towards the exit gate as it started opening. The metal walls scrapped across the ground showing the exit as I held the lever. As long as I made for the exit after them, I was fine. The Trapper ran towards the survivors trying to get in range of anyone. He completely ignored me as they got to the last stretch before they reached the ominous fog surrounding the arena.

I followed the killer prepared to run past him even if it meant getting hit, but before I could make a move he hit Claudia causing her to do a flip onto the ground. She was three feet from the exit crawling towards it. The killer picked her up ready to take her to a hook. Nea and Jake sat right next to the outside boundary determined. As the killer hoisted Claudia up to his shoulder Nea pulled out her flashlight and blinded the killer. He instinctively put his hand up to his eye dropping Claudia. “Ha! Thought you could-“ Nea was cut off in her speech as she was slashed right in the chest causing her to fall backwards outside the arena. She escaped into the fog crawling at a surprisingly fast rate. Jake and Claudia also ran out into the fog not waiting to also be slashed.

Taking a hint from the rest of the survivors, I too ran towards the fog looking back at the Trapper who obviously did not expect another survivor to run by him. He must have been distracted by all the shenanigans of the other three. When he tried to exit the arena, black spikes protruded from the ground, stopping him from moving forward. They were free. Everyone made it out alive.

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