
What is this website?

If you are referring to the name of the website, there is a funny story behind it. Gale (the person who started this project) decided to make this website on a whim and asked a friend what the name should be. The friend said the name had to be a pun: no other rules. We compromised on “Sea of Book” as a silly name for what is essentially a book (or collection) of creative fiction writing. Yes, the grammar of the website title is purposefully atrocious.

If you are referring to the project as a whole, this is an open source website made using Jekyll and hosted on GitHub pages. This whole thing was meant to be a space for software developers to practice web development skills, creative writing, and learn how to use GitHub in general!

Is there any space for other writers?

Yes! Submit a new issue letting us know what piece you’d like to publish and the community will help get that piece onto the website. You would still get credit and have full rights to your piece. In other words, if you wanted to modify or remove your piece, you could! Collaboration is a beautiful thing, and we don’t want the publishing space to be what stops a good story from being read.

Can I publish this webite’s work elsewhere?

Yep! Read the license on GitHub page if you want more information.

How can I start collaborating?

Check out the Contributions section section on GitHub for more details.

Ongoing Pieces

Social Media